leo ( low earth orbit )造句
- The mechanical environment is described in the paper and then the environments in three different orbits are proposed , called leo ( low earth orbits ) , meo ( medium earth orbit ) and geo ( geosynchronous earth orbits ) . the influence produced by the atomic oxygen , micrometeorites and debris , ionizing radiation and cold welding under vacuum is presented in the paper . some principles are proposed , which can be as the method to choose materials of the mechanism in space environment
空间环境中力学环境对可动结构的影响直接关系到机构的设计问题,所以本文第四章中岳建如:中文摘要浙江大学博士学位论文20024首先详细论述了空间环境中的力学环境,然后给出了空间环境的三种轨道环境划分,及每一种环境影响因素对空间可动结构设计的影响,包括原子氧、离子射线、温度、微陨石和碎片以及真空冷焊现象等环境因素,提出了材料选择的原则,为可动结构材料选择提供了一定的依据。 - It's difficult to find leo ( low earth orbit ) in a sentence. 用leo ( low earth orbit )造句挺难的